a daily practice on the subway

This is a habit I have picked up since moving back to New York City. When I am on the subway or the bus, I look around and observe the expressions on people’s faces. Some are angry. Some look stressed typing away important messages on their phones. Most look exhausted. I look at them, and then I imagine their family- specifically their parents- and I dream up how they might have behaved as a child. They are someone’s baby, right? Then I wish them whatever I wish for myself that day…. happiness, peace, energy, etc… and I transmit a message to them from my heart. For example:

May you cultivate absolute happiness.

May you find a pocket of peace today.

May you find renewed energy to get through today’s challenges.

From my research (yay for learning and grad school), I am learning that our thoughts contain energy, and we can use that to our advantage. The law of conservation of energy says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. I find that sharing and sending out these messages helps me relax, find inner peace, and stay grounded in what really matters. Perhaps energetically it expands my life force? Who knows?! Regardless, this is my daily practice and my little way of decreasing World Suck levels. It’s so easy to jump into negative head space, so this helps me stay hopeful and present to how AMAZING this Life is.

Brianna MercadoComment